During the pandemic, OPEN!NEXT reached out to partners and open-source enthusiasts online to discuss the benefits, possibilities and challenges of open-source hardware production.
In this open conversation, Zoybar`s CEO and founder discuss the history, the challenges and the future of Zoybar, an open R&D Lab for professional and hobbyist musicians to easily create, customize and fabricate their own (tangible) music instruments and applications.

OPEN!NEXT seeks to empower both companies and consumers to co-design and co-manufacture products based on new mindsets, new business models, and new collaborative software solutions. OPEN!NEXT brings together SMEs (small medium enterprises) and makerspaces across Europe to develop new products based on open source principles. In close contact with local designers and communities, OPEN!NEXT helps companies go from zero to prototype and commercial roadmap with the power of open source. OPEN!NEXT consists of 19 project partners from seven European countries. Their expertise ranges from business and data management, to design processes, manufacturing and communication. OPEN!NEXT has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 869984. For further reading about OPEN!NEXT click here: https://opennext.eu/
About Ziv Bar Ilan:
Over the years Bar Ilan has mentored and lectured in several design schools and think tanks such as the Masters program of industrial design at Bezalel and miLab the innovation lab at IDC to name a few. Aside from his academic work, Bar Ilan has also published several articles in magazines such as Innovation Journal, Design Management Review and odisea – a publication of the hebrew university, Jerusalem along with TV appearances on Reuters, ZDF and AFP among many others.